Green Cleaning Products that Use Good Ingredients
Are you searching for green cleaning products that use natural ingredients? Discover how one brand uses good ingredients in their green cleaning products.
Read more: Green Cleaning Products that Use Good Ingredients
Green Cleaning Products that are Affordable
Not only can green cleaning products be effective and eco-friendly, they can also be affordable. We not only save plastic and the environment, we save you money.
Just because a company spends more on ingredients doesn’t mean a green cleaning product can’t be affordable. Because the company we use manufactures their own products and don’t waste millions in advertisements, they are able to lower costs. Then, we pass these savings back to our customers, making our safer green cleaning products affordable.
Green Cleaning Products that are Ecofriendly
Making a difference with concentrated green cleaning products that reduce waste. This is how to be eco-friendly.
Being green cleaning is one thing, but producing green cleaning products and being eco-friendly simultaneously is an additional step. Discover the distinction.
When we say “eco-friendly” we are referring to the difference we make reducing waste with highly concentrated green cleaning products. It’s a way we can make an impact that really matters. We do our part every day to care for the earth and protect it for generations to come. For over 33 years, we’ve led the way in our industry—the consumer products industry—in caring for the environment by producing green cleaning products that are eco-friendly.
Eco Friendly Products and Green Cleaning that is Effective
Are you looking for green cleaning and eco-friendly products that are effective? We all want, expect, and need green cleaning products that work as they should.
Too many so-called green products sold in the marketplace simply don’t work. They don’t deliver like you expect. It is a big challenge to deliver a product that is both safe and effective. It’s even a bigger challenge because harmful chemicals used by national brands are often cheaper and easier to use. But we meet that challenge every day. It requires more expertise and an advanced understanding of natural ingredients for green cleaning products. Nature has effective solutions. We are just better at knowing where to find them. Our expertise did not come overnight. We have been creating effective green cleaning products for more than 30 years.
Read more: Eco Friendly Products and Green Cleaning that is Effective
Green Cleaning that is Safe
Are you searching for green cleaning products that are safe? I searched, too, until I found some that worked for me.
The brand we found for our green cleaning needs uses the safest, most dependable ingredients available. Their philosophy is simple: naturally safe ingredients are THE priority. Their Smarter Choice ingredient selection criteria is not based on cost. They know the best naturally derived and plant-derived ingredients may cost a little more; however, we take pride in investing in what matters most in creating green cleaning products.
Green Cleaning that Puts the Power of Nature to Work
Are you looking for green cleaning products that are effective, efficient, and have been around a while?
Discover green cleaning products that puts the power of nature and the natural world to work for more than three decades.
We rely on innovative scientific research to identify and amplify the many benefits of naturally based ingredients and use those discoveries to create green cleaning products that outperform national brands. In almost all cases, we find natural ingredients to be the best, most effective, and healthiest alternative. Of course, natural does not always mean safe or effective. In some cases, man-made compounds have been proven to be more effective or safer than raw, volatile, natural sources. In our opinion, only in those proven and documented cases should those alternatives be used.
Read more: Green Cleaning that Puts the Power of Nature to Work
Home Cleaners Are As Damaging To Lungs As A Pack Of Cigarettes A Day
Have you ever considered cleaning your home dangerous?
Cleaning your home may seem safe enough until you consider what many toxic cleaning products are doing to your lungs. As reported by news outlets around the world, a new 20-year independent study finds that using national brand cleaners as little as once a week is as damaging to lung capacity as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years!
Read more: Home Cleaners Are As Damaging To Lungs As A Pack Of Cigarettes A Day
Eco Friendly Products and Green Cleaning
Are you looking for eco-friendly products and green cleaning products for your home or office? I was, too. I spent a lot of time searching for good eco friendly and green cleaning products that performed well.
Have you ever stepped back and wondered if your cleaners really are better for your home? They may clean, but at what cost to your peace of mind and safety? Since 1985 we believe cleaners should not only clean, but help you take care of your home, environment, and family the way you want. Here you will find home care products designed to take care of the whole picture--products that are safer for your home, highly effective, powered by nature, eco-friendly, and a better value for you. All this so you can keep your home clean and have peace of mind as well.
I have used these products for years, and they work very well!
Green Cleaning that is Safer for Your Home
Finding the root cause of modern racism
Trying to determine some of the root causes of contemporary racism against Black people is a worth-while exploration. And it is something that I have pondered for some time.
I currently believe that modern and contemporary racism against Black people is being greatly influenced by those who promote Charles Dawin’s theory of evolution. Case-in-point, consider the following quote from the July 23, 1904, edition of Scientific American:
They are small, ape-like, elfish creatures . . . they live in absolute savagery, and while they exhibit many ape-like features in their bodies, they possess a certain alertness which appears to make them more intelligent than other Negroes . . . the existence of the pygmies is of the rudest; they do not practice agriculture, and keep no domestic animals. They live by means of hunting and snaring, eking this out by means of thieving from the big Negroes, on the outskirts of whose tribes they usually establish their little colonies, though they are as unstable as water, and range far and wide through the forests. They have seemingly become acquainted with metal only through contact with superior beings.
The Solution to Combating Free Radical Damage
What is the the solution to combating free radical damage? Supplementation is the only solution. Why? Because a 2017 CDC report revealed that less than 12% of Americans are eating a recommended amount of fruits and vegetables every day.
For most problems, nature provides a solution, and our health is no exception. The human body is miraculous, and when it is supplied with the nutrition it needs, it is able grow, maintain, and repair itself. Proper nutrition is directly linked to the body’s ability to increase energy levels, fight off and recover from illness, improve overall well-being, and reduce the risk of major health concerns. Proper nutrition can also reduce inflammation and free radicals. In fact, antioxidants and other nutrients in certain supplements are crucial for keeping them at bay.
A look at the long-term effects of Free Radical Damage
Like a single free radical, a single raindrop seems to do little damage. Yet with the combination of trillions of raindrops over time, it can be devistating just as it is in environmental erosion.
The damage free radicals create throughout the body is random. Trillions of molecules are affected every second. While a single raindrop on the rock face of a mountain does no damage—and even a single rain shower does no perceptible damage—a million rainstorms begin to take a toll. Come back a million years later and you can see that over time, raindrops have begun to change the landscape. Several million years later, the mountain is totally eroded away and ceases to exist. So it is with free radicals. A single free radical does no perceptible damage, but trillions of free radicals—over time—cause the aging process and can result in various degenerative conditions. By reducing the amount of free radicals, we can greatly improve our health and slow down the aging process.
Read more: A look at the long-term effects of Free Radical Damage
Viewing Health from a New Angle: Understanding free radicals and inflammation
For centuries, scientists and physicians have been searching for ways to measure and predict health and illness. While Galileo developed a thermoscope in the 16th century, it wasn’t until 1868 that Carl Wunderlich invented the clinical thermometer, which allowed accu-rate temperatures to be read. The stethoscope began widespread use about the same time thanks to French doctor René Laennec. And in the early 1900s, accurate blood pres-sure measurement became easier and more widespread thanks to the efforts of Harvey Williams Cushing and Nikolai Korotkov.
Read more: Viewing Health from a New Angle: Understanding free radicals and inflammation
Cardinals, Bishops Sign Appeal Against Coronavirus Restrictions
Found this out on the internet and thought it was interesting.
Cardinals, Bishops Sign Appeal Against Coronavirus Restrictions. The signatories are said to include prelates, physicians, lawyers, journalists and academics.
Here below is the full text of the appeal and the initial full list of signatories. Anyone sympathetic to the appeal is invited to sign it.
to Catholics and all people of good will
Veritas liberabit vos.
Jn 8:32
In this time of great crisis, we Pastors of the Catholic Church, by virtue of our mandate, consider it our sacred duty to make an Appeal to our Brothers in the Episcopate, to the Clergy, to Religious, to the holy People of God and to all men and women of good will. This Appeal has also been undersigned by intellectuals, doctors, lawyers, journalists and professionals who agree with its content, and may be undersigned by those who wish to make it their own.
Read more: Cardinals, Bishops Sign Appeal Against Coronavirus Restrictions
West End Games D6 Rulebooks
- Written by: David
- Category: Entertainment
Below is a collection of West End Games' D6 rulebooks in PDF format. These West End Game books were released under the Open Game License and have been released by the publisher, Purgatory Publishing, as freely available. Purgatory Publishing has granted us permission to make these former West End Games D6 documents available on our website. We are trying to help keep the West End Games D6 System alive.
Reinvigorate Old Churches
I saw a video online of a guy, known as the Bald Explorer, in England. In the video, and others of his that I watched thereafter, he visited several old and mostly rural churches that appear to be falling into disrepair and nearly abandoned. He contemplated what could be done in order to help reinvigorate such churches.
Thoughts on Why Young Christians Leave Church
Various polls have been conducted to determine the reasons why people leave the Church. A recent Pew Research poll was conducted of why young people leave the Church. Many of the reasons given could have been answered with additional reading and studying. The cause of young people being unaware of answers to challenges of their faith could be, as some believe, due to a lack of Apologetical teaching in the Church environment. The avatars of secularism, as is there job, will attack religion, yet if the Church is not providing apologetical teaching and instruction, then when those of faith, who have limited knowledge and understanding when dealing with secularism, may walk away with secular reasonings that are answerable. Part of the failure to teach apologetics is that teachers and leaders in the church have not risen to the need of task at hand. If the church wants to keep their young people, then the intellectual challenges must be answered.
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