In manufacturing green cleaning products, there are certain ingredients that should be avoided. If your household cleaning products have these ingredients, you may want to consider changing to a green cleaning product that is less harmful for you and for your family.
For green cleaning products, never use ingredients on this “NO” list. We believe in the precautionary path, which means if there isn’t clear proof that an ingredient is safe–we don’t use it. Safety first.
Avoid Chlorine Bleach in Green Cleaning Products
Harmful or fatal if swallowed, can permanently damage skin, attacks membranes in your respiratory system, and doesn't get rid of dirt—it turns it white.
Avoid Ammonia in Green Cleaning Products
Irritating and corrosive. Exposure can cause immediate burning of the nose, throat, and respiratory tract.
Avoid Abrasives in Green Cleaning Products
Contain hard particles that can damage your sink and shower by scuffing their surfaces and giving dangerous bacteria a safe place to grow, breed, and multiply.
Avoid Phosphates in Green Cleaning Products
Too much in our waterways leads to excessive algae growth, often resulting in the death of fish and aquatic plants.
Avoid Phthalates in Green Cleaning Products
In the past few years, researchers have linked phthalates to asthma and breast cancer.
Avoid Triclosan in Green Cleaning Products
Exposure to triclosan contributes to making bacteria resistant to antibiotics.
Avoid Parabens in Green Cleaning Products
Known to disrupt hormone function.
Avoid Formaldehyde in Green Cleaning Products
Can cause an allergic reaction in the skin; watery eyes; a burning sensation in the eyes, nose, and throat; coughing; wheezing; and nausea.
Avoid Quaternary Disinfectants in Green Cleaning Products
Poisonous if ingested. They aren't very effective on viruses, and their effectiveness can be reduced by common circumstances like hard water.
These are ingredients to avoid in any household cleaning product, but they should especially avoided in green cleaning products.
Discover a Company's green cleaning and natural products that avoid these bad ingredients in the manufacturing of their green cleaning products. We have used these green cleaning products for years, and they work really well.